How to check Remote Signature Requests

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This article will show you how you can check if a Remote Signature Request has been completed and how to see the signature on the return.

To see if the taxpayer has or has not signed the Remote Signature Request.

  • After you send the Remote Signature Request to the Taxpayer and/or Spouse, go to Remote Signature under the Attached Forms.

  • If the Taxpayer and/or Spouse has not signed you will see the status Waiting: Taxpayer.

  • If the Taxpayer and/or Spouse has signed you will see the status Completed/Archived.

To see the signature on the return, once the taxpayer signs the Remote Signature Request.

  • From the Remote Signature Listing screen, click on the Completed/Archived status to select it.

  • Click OPEN.

  • Select the Document that is labeled Signed Full Tax Return.

  • Click OPEN.

  • The return will open in pdf form and you can scroll through and see the taxpayer signature.

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