How to complete a NEW bank enrollment for SimpleTAX 1040

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This guide is from (Santa Barbara TPG) for customers who are new to SimpleTAX or have a new EFIN this year.


1. From the Simple TAX Support website, click on the SIMPLETAX 1040 blue button.

Step 1 image

2. Click Access Portal under Customer Portal.

Step 2 image

3. Enter the Username and Password provided to you via the Bank Enrollment email and click Login

Step 3 image

4. Hover your mouse cursor over Office Management then over Bank Enrollment and click Bank Enrollment

Step 4 image

5. Click Add EFIN

Step 5 image

6. Enter your EFIN in the EFIN box.

Step 6 image

7. Enter your Company Name.

Step 7 image

8. Select Corporation Type from the drop box.

Step 8 image

9. Enter your First Name.

Step 9 image

10. Enter your Last Name.

Step 10 image

11. Enter your Title in the company.

Step 11 image

12. Enter the Issued Address that is on file with the EFIN at E-Services.

Step 12 image

13. Enter the Issued City that is on file with the EFIN at E-Services.

Step 13 image

14. Select the Issues State from the drop down box.

Step 14 image

15. Enter the Issued Zip Code that is on file with the EFIN at E-Services.

Step 15 image

16. Enter your IRS Tracking Number. You can find this number in your EFIN Verification Letter, if you need assistance you can contact E-Services E-Help Desk at 1-866-255-0654.

Step 16 image

17. Enter your Phone Number.

Step 17 image

18. Enter your Fax Number if applicable.

Step 18 image

19. Enter your Mobile Number. 

Step 19 image

20. Enter your Email Address. 

Step 20 image

21. Enter your Date of Birth. 

Step 21 image

22. Enter your SSN (Social Security Number) associated with your EFIN.

Step 22 image

23. Select the State the ID was issued in from the drop box.

Step 23 image

24. Select ID Type from the drop box.

Step 24 image

25. Enter the ID Expiration Date as it appears on your Government Issued ID.

Step 25 image

26. Enter your EIN (Employer Identification Number) if applicable.

Step 26 image

27. Select What is your EFIN registered under? SSN or EIN.

Step 27 image

28. Click Save to continue.

Step 28 image

29. Enter the Name of Financial Institution. This is the name of the bank associated with the bank account you want your fees deposited into.

Step 29 image

30. Select Account Type from the drop box. Checking or Savings.

Step 30 image

31. Enter the Name on Deposit Account. It can be your name or the name of your business, depending on what name the account is set up under.

Step 31 image

32. Enter the Account Routing Number. 

Step 32 image

33. Enter the Deposit Account Number. 

Step 33 image

34. Re-type Account Number. 

Step 34 image

35. Click Save to continue.

Step 35 image

36. From Create Bank Application for drop box, select the bank you want to apply for.i.e., TPG (Santa Barbara), Republic or Refundo.

Step 36 image

37. Click Create

Step 37 image

38. Enter your Phone Number. 

Step 38 image

39. Enter your Fax Number if applicable.

Step 39 image

40. Enter the Office Manager First Name.

Step 40 image

41. Enter the Office Manager Last Name.

Step 41 image

42. Enter the Office Manager Email Address.

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43. Click Save to continue.

Step 43 image

44. Enter the Shipping Address.

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45. Enter the Shipping Address City.

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46. Select  the Shipping Address State from the drop box.

Step 46 image

47. Enter the Shipping Address Zip Code. 

Step 47 image

48. If your Physical Address is the same as the Shipping Address, click Same As Above otherwise enter the Physical Address. 

Step 48 image

49. Click Save

Step 49 image

50. Select Prior Year Bank, if applicable, from the drop box.

Step 50 image

51. Enter the Prior Year Submitted Bank Products.

Step 51 image

52. Enter your Prior Year EFIN.

Step 52 image

53. Enter the Prior Year Funded Bank Products. 

Step 53 image

54. Click Save to continue.

Step 54 image

55. Set the eFile Fee to 0.00.

Step 55 image

56. Enter the Add-On Fee as the Reserve Amount outlined in the Bank Enrollment email from SimpleTAX.

Step 56 image

57. Enter an optional Doc Prep Fee. You can select any amount up to $150. The Doc Prep Fee will be paid with your tax preparation fees by the bank.

Step 57 image

58. The Service Bureau Fee is set by SimpleTAX in accordance with your Service Agreement. If this field is blank, please contact Customer Support.

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59. These fees are set by the Software Developer. If you have questions about these fees, please contact your SimpleTAX Account Manager.

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60. If you would like to receive translated materials, if available, for your Spanish  clients, select Yes. If not, then select No.

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61. If you would like to have the bank wait to ship you supplies until after a certain date, enter the date here. Otherwise leave the field blank.

Step 61 image

62. Click Save.

Step 62 image

63. Click on the checkbox stating “I have read and Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Tax Products Group“.

Step 63 image

64. Click the checkbox “I Agree that I am duly authorized to submit the application on behalf of this organization“.

Step 64 image

65. Click Save

Step 65 image

66. Click Submit Bank Application

Step 66 image

Here’s an interactive tutorial

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