How to electronically file the federal and state tax returns

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How to electronically file the federal and state tax returns

This article provides instructions on how to send both the federal and state tax returns with a single transmission in Simple Tax 1040.


1. Once you have completed the return click Verify to confirm there are no errors.

Step 1 image

2. Once the return is verified successfully, click OK

Step 2 image

3. Click Queue

Step 3 image

4. Make sure the return you want to Queue has a check in the box next to it.

Step 4 image

5. Click Queue

Step 5 image

6. After you click Queue, the return will save and close and you will be direct to the Search screen, click Transmit to transmit the return right away.

Step 6 image

7. Click Transmit

Step 7 image

8. Once the return is transmitted you will get the Communications Successful message, click OK

Step 8 image

9. Click OK to close the window, You are Done!

Step 9 image

Here’s an interactive tutorial

  • Add and complete Form 8879.


  • From within a return, click the Queue button.

  • Select the returns you want to Queue by checking the box in front of it. (Federal and/or State) Click on the Queue button. The return will lock and close. (DO NOT CHECK THE SUBMIT FOR DIAGNOSTICS BOX)

  • From the Work In Progress Screen (WIP) click on the Transmit button.

  • On the Transmit to Central Site dialog, click Transmit. Simple Tax 1040 sends the federal and state tax return to the Central Site.


Note: Simple Tax 1040 verifies the federal and state return for errors before transmission. Review any errors in the return.


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