Setting Preparer Settings

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The objective of this article is to walk you through on how to set preparer settings.


  • Login to your KIS ONLINE software.

  • Click on the SETUP tab at the top right corner.

  • Click on the third icon on the left-hand side labeled SETTINGS.

  • It will automatically open to the PREPARER/CLIENT LEVEL where you will see there are some setting levels already automatically set for you. You can select additional settings by checking the box next to the desired setting level.

  • You can click SAVE CHANGES to save the changes for this one preparer or

  • You can check the box DO YOU WANT TO UPDATE SAME CONFIGURATION FOR MORE USERS? to do the same changes to the other preparers.

  • Click on the box next the preparer you wish to make the same changes to,

  • Then click SAVE CHANGES.


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