Agregando su EIN en el Database
El objetivo de este articulo es para mostrar como agregar su EIN(Employer Identification Number) a el Database.
- Abra su programa Keep It Simple Online e ingresese.
- Haga clic en SETUP ubicado en la esquina derecha.
- Haga clic en el icono de EIN DATABASE ubicado a la izquierda.
- Llene la informacion incluyendo su Nombre de Empleado (Employer Name), EIN y Direccion (Address).
- Haga clic el boton azul con la etiqueta ADD.
Adding Firm Information in KIS Desktop
Adding Firm Information
The objective of this article is to walk you through on how to add Firm Information.
- Login to your Keep It Simple Desktop software.
- Click on the SETUP tab at the top right corner.
- Click on the FIRM icon on the left side of the screen, it is the second icon from the top.
- Fill out all the information on the screen under FIRM ADDRESS INFORMATION and under FIRM INFORMATION.
- Once you have entered all the information to the best of your knowledge, click on the blue button on the lower right corner labeled UPDATE.
Adding Firm Information in KIS Online
Adding Firm Information
The objective of this article is to walk you through on how to add Firm Information.
- Login to your Keep It Simple Online software.
- Click on the SETUP tab at the top right corner.
- Click on the FIRM icon on the left side of the screen, it is the second icon from the top.
- Fill out all the information on the screen under FIRM ADDRESS INFORMATION and under FIRM INFORMATION.
- Once you have entered all the information to the best of your knowledge, click on the blue button on the lower right corner labeled SAVE CHANGES.
Adding EIN to Database
The objective of this article is to walk you through on how to add EIN (Employer Identification Number) to Database.
- Login to your Keep It Simple Online software.
- Click on the SETUP tab at the top right corner.
- Click on the EIN DATABASE icon on the left side of the screen.
- Fill out the information including Employer Name, EIN and Address.
- Click the blue button labeled ADD.